Physical Therapy: Every body tells a story


At this moment in time I am happy to be working with patients in person, but much information can be gathered via a telemedicine evaluation. At your first session either in person or virtually, I’ll evaluate your body using some or all of the following assessments to “listen” to your body:

  • Posture

  • Range of motion

  • Strength

  • Balance

  • Neural tension

  • Joint mobility

  • Spinal mobility

  • Soft tissue assessment

  • Functional movement screen

  • Gait assessment

After your assessment, I’ll provide a physical therapy diagnosis and determine what is contributing to your pain. The body is all connected, so the pain you feel in one area may be coming from another part of your body. I will listen to your body’s story and explain the treatment plan that is best suited to your needs. Then we'll get started right away! Your treatment will include a combination of manual techniques, movement and exercise. You’ll be given a home exercise program (HEP) to continue working independently. If we decide to meet virtually over, you will be able to receive many of the same benefits as coming to see me in person, with the exception of hands on techniques.

Physical therapy evaluation does not require a referral from your physician in the state of Illinois, but it does require that you keep your physician informed of your treatment plan and care.   

What Hurts? I can help…

  • Pain from post-surgical conditions (ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, back)

  • Back pain (neck, thoracic/rib, low back, sciatica)

  • Shoulder pain (rotator cuff and labral injuries, impingement, “frozen shoulder”)

  • Hip pain (muscle strains, labral injuries, bursitis)

  • Knee pain (patellofemoral syndrome, IT band syndrome, patellar tendinitis, bursitis, meniscal injuries)

  • Foot and ankle pain (plantar fasciitis, achilles tendonitis, ankle sprains)

  • Women’s health (pregnancy and post-partum injuries, urinary incontinence, pelvic pain, functional constipation, coccyx pain)